Nils Nilsson Code & Beans

Who is Code & Beans?

Code & Beans was founded in 2009 by Nils Nilsson, me that is.

The main focus of Code & Beans is to help businesses grow using their online presence, with emphasis on their website.

I see so many businesses leaving money on the table by not leveraging their website enough. That’s where we come in. Either as a consultant or doing the whole shabang.

If you feel like your business could be better at leveraging the website, let’s get in touch!

When it feels like a hobby!

Since I started with web development, it has felt like working on a hobby. When that feeling is strong, it’s not hard to evolve in what you do. Over the years, I have come to understand exactly what my customers need and deliver that, largely with my own code. Delivering quality is, as mentioned above, my highest priority, but it’s also an incredibly good feeling to put together something you are proud of.

Let’s get in touch!

Does your company need web development? Don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can have a virtual coffee and see if we’re good fit.